Empower Your eToro Investments with Institutional-Grade Insights

Whether you're a Popular Investor seeking deeper insights or an investor looking for top portfolios to copy, our data-driven tools help you invest smarter and grow with confidence.

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Professional Tools for eToro Investors

Portfolio Overview

All-in-One Portfolio Dashboard

Gain a complete overview of any public eToro portfolio with advanced performance metrics, a visual treemap, and key risk indicators.

Compare returns with market benchmarks
Explore sector, country, and exchange allocations
Track drawdowns, Beta, Sharpe Ratio, and more
Trade History

Trade History & Performance Analysis

Examine every closed trade and uncover the insights behind each gain or loss.

Follow a chronological list of trades from the past year
Identify profit drivers and recurring patterns
Evaluate instrument price changes and personal outcomes
Correlation Feature
📊 Correlation Matrix

Correlation & Diversification Tools

Map out how assets move together to strengthen your portfolio's resilience.

Visualize correlations between your positions
Spot opportunities to reduce risk or enhance returns
Understand which holdings amplify or stabilize performance
Seasonal Insights

Seasonal Performance Insights

Discover seasonal patterns on any public eToro portfolio.

Compare 1-Year Return against historical averages
Analyze average monthly returns and daily price changes
See distribution frequencies to spot recurring trends
Activity Timeline

Activity Timeline

Stay up to date on every position opened and closed over the past year.

View a clear timeline of portfolio actions
Track positions opened and closed in real time
Spot patterns in trading activity at a glance
💼 Professional Toolkit

Analytics for Popular Investors

Copiers Analytics

Historical copiers

Copiers by country

Copier growth trends

Copiers Analytics

Feed Analytics

Real-time feed analytics

Likes & Comments stats

Last year posts activity

Feed Analytics

Risk Analysis

Historical risk scores

Risk analysis by instrument

Risk distributions

Risk Analysis
âš¡ Pro Tier

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Open Positions Section
Feed Analytics
Seasonality Analysis
Risk Score Analysis
Correlation Analysis
Activity Timeline
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